Saturday, October 24, 2009

Yes, but is it art?

As promised, at last, a few images from The Frieze Art Fair... I always enjoy art fairs because you get to see it all. Frieze is pretty blue chip, big galleries and famous names. But still, there's fun stuff to be found.

One of the pieces that seemed to get the most attention in terms of foot traffic was this first piece (Questions to my father 6, Karl Haendel). People would stop in front of it and read through it all -- it takes quite a while. The crowd gathered in front makes a pretty successful work of art by some measures. But then again, I'm not sure -- is it art? Ponder that while looking at a few other images below...

Art boys and girls, always rushing around...

Except when stopping to chat:

Or to have coffee (or Champagne!)

This one, made from chairs won a prize (getting into the Tate's collection):

And this made me laugh:

Is there an implication here for the balance between the genders?

And surely the most fantastic piece was this... The picture sort of gives it away...

When you approach, you see the lights, but when you look in:

It's bottomless. I really want one of these for my next apt. I lacked the needed 140,000 (don't recall the currency, but does it matter? Pounds? Euros...) So apparently did the Tate.

And an Ian Davenport is always fun. Those lines and colors, hypnotizing...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing!

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