Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The flowers that bloom in the spring

It's springtime. The sun is shining. The flowers are blooming and singing their siren song to me, as I try to focus on the flugelbindery. It looks something like this.

Every day I tell myself the same thing: today I will be that person about town I always yearn to be. You know, the one sipping white wine with lunch a sidewalk café in SoHo. The one reading a book and sunning without a care in the world at 11 a.m. on a weekday. The one calmly doing groceries at 2 pm in the afternoon rather than doing the after-work frantic-pile-up-in-your-arms routine. The one discreetly sipping rosé wine from an opaque plastic cup and having an early dinner of roasted and marinated vegetables in the park.



Claire said...

spring springs here too, though only a masochist would roll up their jeans and sunbathe. A sensible person might sit outside in a coat if there was a terrace heater available. It looks lovely - I only seem to see NY in extreme weather conditions: -15c blizzard or +35c heatwave...

RD said...

Indeed, there was a day recently (ok day and a half) where we went from about -10C to 20C... bb

Unknown said...

oh...we had that crazy weather as well...
although i get the feeling because i typed "spring"...that everything went downhill from there...although...cannot wait for some super sunshine!

RD said...

Indeed, like the Scottish play, best not spelled out! bb

Alex said...

Afternoon shopping is highly over-rated... it's when the grannies take their trolleys out for a trundle, making the aisles impossible - and impassible!

RD said...

It is true, the granny factor is a risk. Actually I think the best time is around 4 pm. Grannies have already shopped and the work crowd is still at work... Of course, if I lived in London I would just go to the market on Sunday, rain or shine... bb

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