Sunday, April 26, 2009

I've decided to head home (rather than wander the north)

I'm on my way home from Stockholm. After 5 days of hard work, one very long night of partying...

(Although I'm not a really convincing partyer. I can: stay up late; drink an amount that surprises people given my size and height; make it home safe given the previous; dance really badly ... so badly that people around me take pity on me and try to give me an emergency lesson or two; become mildly silly...)

The one plus of the aforementioned attempt at hard partying was the chance to see the sunrise. Typically I'm more likely to see the sunrise from the other direction (i.e., early rising) but in Stockholm with a 5 am sunrise it gets pretty bright by 4 am or so. And I couldn't find my way back to my apartment for quite a while because the taxi driver dropped me in the wrong spot. So I saw the whole quite lovely progression from twilight to daylight while trying to read the map. But as I said, finding my way home is one of my rock-solid skills. So I made it in time for a few hours of sleep before heading off for a day on the archipelago. The sun was hot (at least from 10 to 2, after that it really cooled off), the water sparkly, and the breeze bracing...

I didn't take too many pics, but I'll try to get some off my cell phone when I'm home.

A few oddities of Stockholm... They are obsesses with Elvis and Marilyn, and on Friday night people drive around in vintage cars and slicked back hair... They like to warn you against doing the obvious through colorful signage (as in don't electrocute yourself... but the person depicted being electrocuted looks like he is having a really good time...) The bars stay open till 5 am but the 7-eleven closes at, well, 11 pm.

I am looking forward to home...

Publish Post


Anonymous said...

the best morning post i could have ever had me in stitches.

mmm...and i do question the elvis and mm fascination...and ask: why???

do post the pics...and can't wait to hear more...

RD said...

Would love to figure out why as well -- pics soon -- I left the wire the connects my mobile to computer in Boston -- so later this week for sure!

It's summer here, at last!


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