Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Right now in London*

Right now in London the sky looks something like this:

No need to get bored really. There is little doubt in my mind how a Turner becomes a Turner. After a few weeks in this country, you look up at the sky with dread, self-pity, fear, and wonder, all emotions that I'm sure Aristotle somewhere or the other in his Poetics links to the higher arts. If you live in France, you paint languorous water lilies.

If you live in the UK, you paint ships being wrecked by violent storms.

Quite natural, really. Unless we all get bored, this might become a regular feature, minus the gratuitous references to now-dead white males.

* I believe I have borrowed "The right now in London" feature from a more experienced London blogger: Lola. An excellent idea -- credit where it is due!


Anonymous said...

Hello, Just discovered your blog - looks v promising! A great post on the British sky (which is a peculiar beast). Would you like to swap links?
Mrs F x

Anonymous said...

oh yes BB you are becoming infected with fear of weather syndrome - remember last week when it was like high summer, then...you've read about it, you've heard about it, now you too will experience the rollercoaster that is summer in London. I doubt you will ever be the same again. Flip flops/umbrella/woolly scarf/sunglasses at the ready...

Anonymous said...

Mrs Fashion - Many thanks and delighted to swap link!

LIB - Yes, that's the truth. I thought had mastered it a few weeks ago. A good coat and a hat will get you through any drizzle I told myself. And then look at today!

Cheers, BB

Anonymous said...

well, at least you never get bored. unlike in northern italy, where summers are day after day after day of sun and beastly humidity, and the occasional thunderstorm is so violent it rains inside your house.
by the way, love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Mia -- thanks! It's my substitute for a plant, which is a substitute for a cat, which is a substitute for a baby! Cheers, BB

Anonymous said...

Hola BB,

I really enjoyed reading your comments and specially the last one where you are comparing the french and british painters, their views, seeing through your eyes and hear through your words.... keep it and btw i am your friend Z from NY.

Anonymous said...

Hello Z! Thanks for dropping by... This is like a virtual tea party! Could you pass the milk? Cheers, BB

Anonymous said...

your comments have always been full of eloquence so I am quite delighted that you have decided to have a blog. interested in reading your upcoming musings and missives.

Anonymous said...

Merci Delphine! BB

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