Yesterday I filled the gas tank for the first time. It cost me about $26.00, even though I splurged on the higher octane fuel (no idea what this means or does, but the idea of "super" sounded, well, super.)
My only problem is the soundtrack... I'm finding that my usual musical tastes don't really match with my car. So if you have any suggestions for music that goes well with a ride in a Mini then please let me know!
my i suggest....http://www.myspace.com/ratatatmusic
my fav song by ratatat is wildcat....;)
swing, haydn, early atlantic stuff?
Nancy -- Thanks - that sounds like it could work!
Howlerji -- My problem exactly. I find my usual classical selections don't quite work. It has both to do with the car (perky! fun! even cheeky) and the length of my typical ride (15-20 mins max -- hate to slice up a quality piece of classical that way...) Swing - will give this a try. Early Atlantic -- this I don't know -- what's that?
Thanks both --
atlantic was a label started by the ertegun bros (yup, they're turks), here's the wikipedia
entry. there's a wonderful collection
that i would urge you to get.
Howlerji - many thanks - now I get it (and will!) - For some reason I though you meant early Atlantic folk songs...! BB
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